Monday, 1 May 2017

Common problems in premature babies and how neonatologist can help in them

It is well said by a famous scholar that kids are the best gift that human gives to a person and they completely tend to change your life. There is a paradigm shift in your life after you become parents and you have an extra responsibility as well. The most important thing that you need to have a look at is the health of your kids as the kids are much more sensitive and prone to the diseases than the adults.
There are many a health problems that tend to have an impact on the health of your child and in such cases you can consult with the child specialist in Pune. They will help you out to take care of your child in a better manner to control infections and provide him with better nutrients for subtle growth. Especially with a newborn baby, you are required to exercise more caution and there are various problems that tend to creep in when the delivery is not normal and the neonatologists can help you a great deal in such situations. To help you further on this aspect, here is a look at some of the neonatal problems that your baby may get to suffer from:

One of the most common problems that exist in case of premature delivery is anemia that makes your child weak and dull. The reason behind this is that the premature babies have lesser time to develop red blood cells and thus have lesser quantity of them.
Neonatologist in Pune will help you in these cases by providing intensive care to the newborn babies. The newborn babies are provided with dietary supplements that help in increasing the count of red blood cells and thus making baby stronger.

Another problem that the premature babies tend to have is that they stop breathing for more time than a normal child. With any baby, he takes a long breath which is followed by a short one and then a ten second interval.
But with the premature babies, the interval is around 15-20 seconds which is better known as apnea and it is generally accompanied by another problem in the form of bradycardia.

The neonatal suffering from this problem requires intensive care as his life is always looming under a threat. The baby is continuously checked in when he is having any such problem and sensors are attached that send an alarm when the baby stops breathing and a nurse rushes in to give him a pat on the back to resume the breathing process. It is critical for you to consult with only the best in class neonatologists in such cases to make sure that the best quality service is provided to your kids.

Knee Replacement Surgery- Helping you to get over the problem of bad knee

Human life have become quite tough these days as there are a handful of problems that most of you get to suffer because of the hectic work schedule. The most common problem that tends to affect you is the orthopedic problems as your knees take a lot of toll because of your hectic work schedule. In the recent times, almost every second person has a bad knee which is quite a cause of concern. But thanks to the advancement in the medical science, it is now possible for you to get over any kind of knee problems and Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital can help you a great deal with their team of expert orthopedics.
There are a number of options that you tend to have when you are suffering from bad knee which has made your life tougher such as arthroscopy, massage treatment and more prominently the knee replacement surgery when it has become impossible for you to work with your old knees. There are a number of hospitals in Pune and across the India that specialize in the knee replacement surgery.
What is joint replacement surgery and how will it solve your problem:

Joint replacement surgery is simply replacing the damaged knees with an artificial one that makes it easier for you to get back to the normal life. There are many causes such as arthritis or some kind of severe injury that completely damages your knees and renders them useless. These problems limit the flow of blood to the knees which is essential for the growth and repair of the bones.
When you go for a Knee Replacement Surgery in Pune, a new joint made of plastic and metals is cemented or uncemented in your body and the bones tend to grow inside it. In the younger patients, the joint is not cemented as they are more active while in the old people it is cemented in the case of old people as they will not have similar movement. These joints tend to last for as much as 10 to 15 years and you need to get them replaced after that. There are some precautions that are required after the surgery and you may need to be under the supervision of the doctors for a few days.
In some cases, you may also have some problems such as blood clotting, dislocations or infections and in all such cases, a second surgery is needed. So, you need to have a look at all these aspects as well to make sure that your replaced knees are better and more powerful than the older ones.